
Elton is such a great buddy. He has an emotional intelligence that is not something that can be observed by photos alone. Gabe and his family were phenomenal getting us pictures and videos along the way. His mom, Lacey, is the closer in the whole process. When we went up to meet with the puppies, she was as advertised…lovely, happy, and affectionate. Elton is not only smart but so genuinely present. We could not be happier.
-Craig Carbone


Merry Christmas Morley family, We just wanted to update you on how Mosby is doing. He is settling in very well and seems to be right at home. The children spoiled him with Christmas gifts and are pleased that he took to the chew toys rather than their shoes. He is so smart and willing to do anything we ask. He has only made 3 accidents in the house to date. Mosby went for his first truck ride today and sits high and proud. He is so handsome and all who meet him just fall in love. We hope you are enjoying the season of our Lord and God bless you all for the hard work you did to bring us Mosby. God bless you, the Pechies.

Hi Gabe, Thanks again for all your help, the puppy is a sweetheart. She is fitting in with our family already. Everyone who has seen her seems to be developing a case of puppy fever. Tell Craig thanks again for helping us out with transportation. Take care. Scott

Gabriel and Liz, Thank you so much for letting us adopt Tucker…he is a wonderful addition to our family! What a loving dog! We couldn’t be any happier right now and look forward to teaching him so many things! I have attached some pictures…and again, thank you so much! Todd and Marcia Wells

Dear Beth & Gabriel. Thank you so much for our precious baby Noah.
I am sending you a video of our other Noah with one of our favorite songs that I made 😉
Lord bless you! Love, Carol & Mark James

Good Afternoon Folks,
Ken & I have just returned from our winter vacation in Florida and we are hoping to stop by sometime to let you see Gabriel, the pup we got from you last March and are training to be Ken’s service dog.

He has brought us such joy and has been so helpful to Ken already. Considering that typical service dogs don’t even enter into training programs until they are at least a year old, Gabriel has proven to be far ahead of others his age; he’s so intelligent, loyal, affectionate, and attentive it’s hard to imagine what he will be like when he matures a little more and has some serious training under his collar.

Please let us know if it’s OK to stop by sometime this spring and if we should call first. We think you will be please with his progress and interested in seeing the bond that has been forged between Ken and Gabe.
Deb Sagan

Hi its julie, we kept her name Jasmine! She is a wonderful dog! !!! She is very spoilt, I cant believe we have had her a year now.Thank you for a great puppy she is soo loved.thanks,julie

Elizabeth, Please forward my email address to your prospective adoptees, we would love to tell them about Gabe and our experiences. Ken’s afraid to let me come down if there are puppies there because he knows I’d love to have another, unfortunately I don’t think I could pass another off as a my assistance dog.

He is getting along great with our 10 year old dog, Spencer. Everyone loves him. He is so funny and so sweet. Enjoy the pictures!

We love him. He is so awesome. Thanks again for making the long drive to Fremont. We made it home last night, and he seems to be settling into his new home pretty well so far. It was really nice to meet you and your two daughters. IT was quite the adventure for us, and we absolutely LOVE our new dog. Thanks again so much for everything! I’m so glad that I chose him. Take care, Jody and family

Hi Gabe, thanks very much! Yes, she is wonderful, VERY loyal, and very affectionate with me. She doesnt leave my side outside no matter what. I go out with her every time for potty, so, she looks for me every minute until she finds a good place, ha ha She goes on the perimeter of the yard, so she is very clean. She has a ton of toys already and carries them around in her mouth, and gets “squishy” with me, like puts her ears down, and wiggles sideways almost like “look at my new baby, VERY endearing! I am having no issues with her what so ever, just an angel! Thank you for giving this pup a wonderful start in life, I can see she was loved and cared for Gabe, now its my turn! I have ordered some “bandana’s” for her in pink, purple and aqua, so she is stylin when we go out on the town! She will be my companion everywhere, and I have every intention on getting her certified as a therapy dog, I think she will be outstanding in that capacity as she is very gentle. I only have to say no once, for jumping, or looking in the trash can, she stops, and drops and rolls on her back, and I am not raising my voice, just telling her a firm quiet “no”. That said, she has been very easy to train, and will excel in obedience and the therapy training. I could go on and on, but will stop here, ha ha , can u tell I ADORE her? Ok I will get some pics when she is grown a bit more and after I get her bandana’s so u can see the diva in her! Best Regards, Roberta

Hello Beth and Gabe from Green Bay!
Just wanted to pass along how much we love our puppy. If you ever want us to write something promoting your dogs, I’d be happy to! The kids named Caley “Griffin”, so that’s what he is now.
He is awesome! And he loves the water! He paddled right away the first time in, no problem–seemed really natural for him. (my last dog looked like he was drowning the first few times he swam)
We took him to a friend’s quarry, and one time he launched off the edge after another dog and he went completely under and came up like a little submarine under water and looked at us like “what just happened!”….needless to say, he didn’t jump off the edge after that. He kept swimming, just didn’t launch. But, he’s awesome.
He got carsick a lot in the beginning, but he’s getting better! So, I’m hoping he will grow out it. He has his moments of testing us—just like any other pup, but he’s easy going and loves everyone and other dogs.
He’s the star of his puppy obedience class—the instructor always uses him as an example (I think he just loves the rich treats she has SO much, he’ll do everything she asks—but we work with him too)
Our cat hates him, and therefore he just barks at her, but I totally expected that. She’s 17 years old.
He’s well loved, a little spoiled, but definitely not spoiled rotten!
Take care,

Thank you so much for this wonderful puppy. She is gorgeous and very smart. My parents absolutely love her! (As so we all) We showed a picture to my uncle and he is in love with them. He might be interested in one of your boy dogs. Do you still have one left? Thank you again for such a wonderful new addition to our family!
Jordan Eustice

Hi Beth and Gabe Thanks for the wonderful and amazing puppy, Sadie Mae is a great addition to my family, all my friends and family just love how sweet she is, she gets so much attention where ever we go from the veterinary assistants showing her off, to the people walking by my yard stopping to see her. Gabe was great taking time out of his busy day to meet me with her, so I didn’t have to drive all the way out their on Friday. Again thank both of you for a wonderful playful puppy that brings so much joy.
Thank you,
Robert Grenus

​Gabe and Beth – Please feel free to use this note in your testimonial page – it is well deserved.

Last September, when my son and I arrived from Connecticut to pick up Dexter (formerly Jamison), we were very impressed with the setup and care of the puppies. We could see a lot of hard work and love went into the pups as well as Mom and Dad. Would love to see your new place some day soon as well.

Dex is amazing in every way. He is the hit of the ball wherever he goes. He is gorgeous of course, extremely intelligent, loyal and loving. All the kids in the neighborhood (even the big kids!) love to play with him. No wonder since he is so much fun and extremely happy!

When you posted his picture on your web page I remember you said he liked to ham it up for the camera. So attached are 3 photos that would confirm that – especially his Christmas picture and the Valentine picture taken just last week. No worries though – the flowers aren’t real! I threw in one more for good measure – shortly after we got him. Can’t believe he’s six months already!

Thanks again and I appreciate all the information and guidance provided. And congrats on the new pups!

I hope that you are doing well. Yesterday was Murphy’s birthday and he turned 1!! He is so spoiled and got new collars, new toys, and a birthday party where all his other dog friends attended! He is truly an amazing dog and I’m so thankful for him every day. He goes everywhere with me – to work, on errands, out for dinner, etc. I can’t imagine life without him. He is such a goofy boy that is as happy as they come. Not to mention… SMART! He brings in the paper for us, knows how to open drawers, push them shut, bow, shake, high five, wave, etc. Attached are some pictures from his birthday yesterday as well as some others that I thought you’d enjoy 🙂
All the best,​
Amy & Murphy

Bella Chien (Beautiful Dog) clearly describes our fourteen week old Goldendoodle, Frankie! She has enriched our lives with her energetic, loveable and entertaining personality. All of our friends and family love her, especially our Golden Retriever, Greyson. They’re bonded for life. I highly recommend the Goldendoodle breed and Bella Chien Goldens to dog lovers of all ages. Kathy S.